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Expert to Expert Resources

Do you need career advice or industry insights? If the answer is yes, then you have found a treasure trove of information.

To assist you, we have built a library of resources that you can rely on.

We are continually developing material, so check back regularly for updates or if you can’t find the specific information that you require, contact us directly – We are here to guide you through your career and solve your workforce needs. 

Industry Insights

Salary Guide 2016 - Covering the Banking, Insurance, Accounting & Finance, Technology, Engineering & Retail

 Digital Market Overview 2016

Workforce Strategy

Retaining Talent after Bonus Season

Career Strategy

Resume Guide

Make your resume stand out! Every job vacancy advertised on over 200 applications. By reading & following this guide, you will ensure that you are able to put your best foot forward. A resume needs to be able to quickly communicate the key reasons why you are the best candidate for the job

Super Resume Words

We asked our team what were the best buzz words to place in your resume and here is what made the cut...

3 Ways to Improving your Profile

Follow our advice to ensure you have not only a great looking LinkedIn profile but also increases your chances of securing your next role. 

5 Ways to Build your Brand

So you have updated your profile on LinkedIn, so what is next? Here are 5 ways to ensure you get noticed...

Interview Guide

You have impressed them with your experience and skills set, now it is time to wow them in your interview.
Remember: If your not prepared for the interview, you are not prepared for the job!

Relocation Guide to Singapore

You have landed your ideal what? - It is time to plan an international move to Singapore! This is the ultimate guide designed to help you transition & settle into your new life.

Are you Ready to change Careers?

Thinking of changing careers? Don't take the plunge until you have read this! 

Match your Resume to the Job that you want!

Why submit your resumes to 50 jobs that you are not really suited for when you can submit tailored resumes to a couple of jobs that suit both your experience and skills set?

Work-Life Balance: How to make it work!

Creating work-life balance is crucial in ensuring you live a happy and fulfilled in life. In fact, it is one of the top reasons why employees stay with their employer long-term.

Top 4 TED Talks on Career Advice

At ExecutiveDNA, we love a good TED Talk. Here are our top 4 talks to get the career ball rolling; potentially in a direction you were not expecting...